Care Package

Materials Produced by How To Play Quidditch

The How To Play Quidditch Care Package comes complete with all of the following materials, each of which is individually available as well.

To order a complete package, please click on this order form and send a payment of $10 (shipping included, no extra cost) to Victoria Quidditch using this payment information.

A complete care package from How To Play Quidditch. Clockwise from left: How To Play fliers, study cards, flash drive, Issue #1 of the JBMS, equipment page (white), 2-page rule summary (orange), cheat-sheet referee cards, business cards for H2PQ and US Quidditch. Recruitment & small practice handbooks not pictured.

How To Play Quidditch and the Journal of Broom-Mounted Sports are products of Victoria Quidditch, a non-profit organization.